N protein coats hRSV genomic (-)ssRNA

Stable Identifier
Reaction [omitted]
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Human respiratory syncytial virus A
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
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In the human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) virion, N protein decamers constitute ~60% of the nucleocapsid, while N protein hendecamers constitute ~40% of the nucleocapsid (Tran et al. 2007). While it was initially suggested that each N protein monomer contacts 6 or 7 nucleotides of RSV genomic RNA (Tran et al. 2007), it has been demonstrated that each N protein monomer contacts 7 nucleotides of genomic RNA (Tawar et al. 2009) and that RSV ribonucleocapsid is a left-handed helix (Bakker et al. 2013; Liljeroos et al. 2013). Taking into account the ratio of N-decamers to N-hendecamers, the number of RNA nucleotides bound by each N protein monomer, and the length of the human RSV A genome of ~15200 nt, it is estimated that 129 N-decamers and 80 N-hendecamers coat the RSV genome to form the nucleocapsid.

Formation of a complex between nascent P and nascent N proteins may prevent premature association of N proteins with viral RNA (Castagné et al. 2004; Esneau et al. 2019).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
19965480 Crystal structure of a nucleocapsid-like nucleoprotein-RNA complex of respiratory syncytial virus

Eléouët, JF, Bricogne, G, Vonrhein, C, Maclellan, K, Damier-Piolle, L, Bhella, D, Varela, PF, Castagné, N, Duquerroy, S, Rey, FA, Tawar, RG, Bedouelle, H

Science 2009
17170452 The nine C-terminal amino acids of the respiratory syncytial virus protein P are necessary and sufficient for binding to ribonucleoprotein complexes in which six ribonucleotides are contacted per N protein protomer

Benhamo, V, Bernard, J, Chilmonczyk, S, Tran, TL, Grosclaude, J, Eléouët, JF, Nespoulos, C, Berkenkamp, S, Bhella, D, Varela, PF, Castagné, N, Rey, FA, Grznarova, K

J Gen Virol 2007
23677789 The respiratory syncytial virus nucleoprotein-RNA complex forms a left-handed helical nucleocapsid

Eléouët, JF, Galloux, M, Bhella, D, Duquerroy, S, Rey, FA, Loney, C, Conner, E, Bakker, SE

J Gen Virol 2013
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