Expression of DUXA in the embryo

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Homo sapiens
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The DUXA gene is transcribed to yield mRNA (Tohonen et al. 2015) which is translated to yield protein. DUXA is expressed in 4-cell embryos during the initial phase of zygotic genome activation (Tohonen et al. 2015, Hendrickson et al. 2017) but not later in the morula (Hendrickson et al. 2017). DUX4 (De Iaco et al. 2017, Hendrickson et al. 2017, Vuoristo et al. 2022) directly activates expression of DUXA, a double homeobox transcription factor. Triple knockdown of TPRXL, TPRX1, and TPRX2 reduced expression of DUXA; however, ectopic expression of TPRX1, TPRX2, and TPRXL did not activate expression (Zou et al. 2022)
Literature References
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Nat Commun 2015
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