AcK-NFE2L2- dependent NQO1 gene expression

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Homo sapiens
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NQO1 (NAD(P)H:Quinone acceptor oxidoreductase type1) catalyzes the two-electron reduction of quinones to hydroquinones (Faig et al, 2000). This reaction bypasses the one electron reduction of these substrates by P450 reductase, which generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) and consequent stress and damage (reviewed in Ross and Siegel, 2021). NQO1 expression is upregulated by NFE2L2 and MAFK binding to the antioxidant response element (ARE) in the promoter in response to stimulus by phase II inducers (oxidative and electrophillic stressors) (Itoh et al, 1997; McMahon et al, 2001). These inducers activate the NFE2L2-KEAP1 pathway, stabilizing NFE2L2 and allowing it to enter the nucleus to activate expression of target genes (reviewed in Baird and Yamamoto, 2000)
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
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Cavin, C, Wolf, CR, Chanas, SA, McMahon, M, McLellan, LI, Henderson, CJ, Yamamoto, M, Hayes, JD, Itoh, K

Cancer Res 2001
9240432 An Nrf2/small Maf heterodimer mediates the induction of phase II detoxifying enzyme genes through antioxidant response elements

Ishii, T, Hatayama, I, Nabeshima, Y, Yamamoto, M, Takahashi, S, Satoh, K, Oyake, T, Hayashi, N, Igarashi, K, Itoh, K, Chiba, T, Katoh, Y

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997
32284348 The Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the KEAP1-NRF2 Pathway

Yamamoto, M, Baird, L

Mol Cell Biol 2020
10706635 Structures of recombinant human and mouse NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases: species comparison and structural changes with substrate binding and release

Amzel, LM, Winski, S, Faig, M, Chen, S, Talalay, P, Bianchet, MA, Ross, D

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000
33774477 The diverse functionality of NQO1 and its roles in redox control

Ross, D, Siegel, D

Redox Biol 2021
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