Transit-amplifying cell of basal layer differentiates into keratinocyte of spinosum layer in interfollicular epidermis

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
skin epidermis (UBERON:0001003)
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Keratinocytes of the basal layer of skin epidermis are also known as transit amplifying (TA) cells due to their ability to undergo several (3-5) cell divisions before committing to terminal differentiation (Jones and Watt 1993). Division of transit amplifying cells is stimulated by EGF. As transit amplifying cells do not express the negative regulator of EGFR signaling LRIG1, they are much more responsive to EGF mediated mitogenic stimulation than the keratinocyte stem cell of the interfollicular epidermis (Jensen and Watt 2006).

TA cells of the basal layer of interfollicular epidermis differentiate into keratinocytes of the spinosum layer. The movement toward the outer epidermal surface of committed TA cells into the spinous layer requires reorganization of cell matrix and cell-cell junctions (reviewed in Zijl et al. 2022). High levels of TGF-beta ligands and retinoids inhibit expression of KRT1 and KRT10, markers of keratinocytes of the spinosum layer. High levels of Ca2+ do not induce KRT1 and KRT10 expression, but a narrow range of raising Ca2+ concentrations can induce KRT1 and KRT10 expression in mouse epidermal cells (Dlugosz and Yuspa 1993; reviewed in Fuchs 1990)

Protein markers of transit amplifying cells of the basal layer are summarized in the "Table of markers of transit amplifying cells in interfollicular epidermis". Some of the markers, in particular AQP3 and LGLAS7, are described in more detail in the section "Keratinocyte stem cell differentiates into transit amplifying cell in the basal layer of interfollicular epidermis".

Table of markers of transit amplifying cells in interfollicular epidermis. Please note that keratinocytes in CellMarker database and PanglaoDB correspond to transit amplifying cells in Reactome.
Marker (protein/RNA)Literature ReferenceCellMarker database – RNA/Protein (Hu et al. 2022)PanglaoDB – RNA (Franzén et al. 2019)
AQP3 (protein)Sugiyama et al. 2001
Ma et al. 2002
Sougrat et al. 2002
ITGA6 (protein)Tani et al. 2000
Webb et al. 2004
KRT5 (protein)Bernerd, Magnaldo, and Darmon 1992
Ishida Yamamoto et al. 1991
Guenou et al. 2009
Sanz Gómez, Freije, and Gandarillas 2020
Langbein et al. 2016
KRT14 (protein)Ishida Yamamoto et al. 1991
Guenou et al. 2009
Porter et al. 2000
Sanz Gómez, Freije, and Gandarillas 2020
Langbein et al. 2016
KRT15 (protein)Porter et al. 2000NoYes
KRT78 (protein)Langbein et al. 2016NoNo
LGALS7 (protein)Magnaldo et al. 1995
Umayahara et al. 2020
TFRC (protein)Tani et al. 2000
Webb et al. 2004
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