p-STAT5 binds the NOX4 promoter

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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Tyrosine phosphorylated STAT5 binds to target interferon gamma activated sequence (GAS) elements in the promoters of the NOX4 gene in response to signaling by FLT3 ITD mutants. NOX4 expression increases the production of reactive oxygen species, causing the oxidative inactivation of the protein phosphatase PTPRJ (also known as DEP1). As a result, FTL3 ITD mutants exhibit increased signaling, proliferation and transformation relative to WT FLT3 cells (Jayavelu et al 2016a; Godfrey et al, 2012; Kresinsky et al, 2015; reviewed in Jayavelu et al, 2016b).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
27666490 NOX-driven ROS formation in cell transformation of FLT3-ITD-positive AML

Cotter, TG, Jayavelu, AK, Böhmer, FD, Moloney, JN

Exp. Hematol. 2016
22438257 Cell transformation by FLT3 ITD in acute myeloid leukemia involves oxidative inactivation of the tumor suppressor protein-tyrosine phosphatase DEP-1/ PTPRJ

Bauer, R, Godfrey, R, Müller, JP, Schnetzke, U, Dagnell, M, Böhmer, SA, Heinrich, T, Böhmer, FD, Arora, D, Stopp, S, Östman, A, Scholl, S

Blood 2012
26308771 NOX4-driven ROS formation mediates PTP inactivation and cell transformation in FLT3ITD-positive AML cells

Valent, P, Frey, S, Böhmer, SA, Fischer, T, Schröder, K, Serve, H, Heidel, FH, Sperr, WR, Lässig, J, Moriggl, R, Böhmer, FD, Barth, J, Berg, T, Bauer, R, Jayavelu, AK, Müller, JP, Cerny-Reiterer, S, Maurer, B, Scholl, S, Oellerich, T, Shah, AM, Fischer, M

Leukemia 2016
29880609 Loss of DEP-1 (Ptprj) promotes myeloproliferative disease in FLT3-ITD acute myeloid leukemia

Schnöder, TM, Bauer, R, Serve, H, König, R, Müller, JP, Ast, V, Böhmer, FD, Kresinsky, A, Meyer, D, Heidel, FH, Berg, T

Haematologica 2018
Name Identifier Synonyms
cancer DOID:162 malignant tumor, malignant neoplasm, primary cancer
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