SDCBP (syntenin-1) interacts directly with PDCD6IP (ALIX) through three LYPX(n)L motifs located in its N-terminus and with the conserved cytoplasmic domains of the syndecans, via its PDZ domains (Baietti MF et al. 2012). Syndecans are a family of proteins that by virtue of their extracellular heparan sulfate chains interact with a plethora of signaling and adhesion molecules (Sarrazin S et al. 2011). Since PDCD6IP binds several ESCRT proteins, PDCD6IP:SDCBP adapts syndecans and syndecan cargo to the ESCRT budding machinery, playing a role in membrane budding and scission at the endosome and generating intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) that are released as exosomes when multivesicular endosomes fuse with the plasma membrane (Baietti MF et al. 2012 ). Exocytosis was proposed to counteract the effector phase of necroptosis via ESCRT-, PDCD6IP:SDCBP- or RAB27A/B-mediated expulsion of MLKL-containing bubbles to diminish the MLKL residing at the plasma membrane (Gong YN et al. 2017; Yoon S et al. 2017; Fan W et al. 2019). However, the other study suggests that membrane bubbling during necroptosis is an incredibly dynamic and heterogenous phenomenon with protrusions variously extending, retracting and shedding in a fashion seemingly independent of the primary sites of MLKL accumulation and membrane damage (Samson AL et al. 2020).
Wang, X, Zhang, J, Wang, H, Ling, L, Li, L, Fan, W, Pan, C, Gao, B, Zhang, W, Xu, T, Chen, S, Guo, J
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