FCGR3A-mediated IL10 synthesis

Stable Identifier
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Leishmania major
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Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is an important immunoregulatory cytokine produced by many cell populations; in macrophages it is induced after the stimulation of TLRs, Fcγ receptors or by the TLR-FcγR crosstalk (Vogelpoel et al. 2014 & Saninet al. 2015). Classically, its function is considered to be the limitation and termination of inflammatory responses and the regulation of differentiation of several immune cells (Asadullah et al. 2003). There is increasing evidence of the role of IL-10 in parasite infection outcomes either as a protective or a pathological mediator (Asadullah et al. 2003). In the context of the parasitic disease cutaneous leishmaniasis, Leishmania amastigotes opsonized by IgG induce IL-10 response through FcγRs, which in turn supresses the killing mechanisms in phagocytic cells. (Chu et al. 2010).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
26116503 IL-10 Production in Macrophages Is Regulated by a TLR-Driven CREB-Mediated Mechanism That Is Linked to Genes Involved in Cell Metabolism

Prendergast, CT, Mountford, AP, Sanin, DE

J. Immunol. 2015
12773629 Interleukin-10 therapy--review of a new approach

Sterry, W, Volk, HD, Asadullah, K

Pharmacol. Rev. 2003
25392121 Fc gamma receptor-TLR cross-talk elicits pro-inflammatory cytokine production by human M2 macrophages

Kapsenberg, ML, Rispens, T, Vos, JB, Hansen, IS, Turina, MC, Baeten, DL, Muller, FJ, den Dunnen, J, de Jong, EC, van Capel, TM, Vogelpoel, LT

Nat Commun 2014
21037092 IgG1 is pathogenic in Leishmania mexicana infection

Thomas, BN, Chu, N, Patel, SR, Buxbaum, LU

J. Immunol. 2010
Event Information
Name Identifier Synonyms
cutaneous leishmaniasis DOID:9111 Asian Desert Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Leproid leishmaniasis, diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis
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