3' incision by ERCC5 (XPG) in TC-NER

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
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In transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER), as well as in global genome nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER), the cleavage of the damaged DNA strand 3' to the site of damage is carried out by a DNA endonuclease XPG (ERCC5). While the NER-mediated DNA synthesis may be initiated prior to the 3' incision (Staresincic et al. 2009), the components of the incision complex probably dissociate from the NER site shortly after the DNA synthesis complex assembly and 3' incision (Overmeer et al. 2011). The exception is the RPA heterotrimer, which is a constituent of the NER post-incision complex, and also coats the undamaged DNA strand, thereby protecting it from endonucleolytic cleavage. RNA polymerase II-associated factors also remain bound to the TC-NER site.
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
21282463 Replication protein A safeguards genome integrity by controlling NER incision events

Fousteri, M, Mullenders, LH, Volker, M, Moser, J, Kool, H, van Zeeland, AA, Overmeer, RM, Tomkinson, AE

J. Cell Biol. 2011
19279666 Coordination of dual incision and repair synthesis in human nucleotide excision repair

Wijgers, N, Staresincic, L, Schärer, OD, Gourdin, AM, Fagbemi, AF, Enzlin, JH, Dunand-Sauthier, I, Clarkson, SG, Giglia-Mari, G, Vermeulen, W

EMBO J. 2009
Catalyst Activity

DNA endonuclease activity of TC-NER incision complex: 5'-incised damaged DNA:trimmed nascent mRNA:(PCNA:POLD,POLE), (MonoUb:K164-PCNA:POLK):RPA:RFC [nucleoplasm]

Orthologous Events
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