AKR1B1 reduces Glc to D-sorbitol

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
glucose + NADPH + H+ => sorbitol + NADP+
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Cytosolic AKR1B1 (aldose reductase) catalyzes the reaction of glucose (Glc) and NADPH + H+ to form D-sorbitol and NADP+. This reaction was first described by Hers (1960) in sheep seminal vesicles; the human enzyme was identified by Nishimura et al. (1990) and is a potential target for treatment of diabetic neuropathy (Oates, 2008). The active enzyme is a monomer (Ruiz et al. 2004) whose amino-terminal methionine residue has been removed (Jacquinod et al. 1993). Under physiological conditions, formation of D-sorbitol is strongly favored (Grimshaw 1992).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
8281941 Sequence of pig lens aldose reductase and electrospray mass spectrometry of non-covalent and covalent complexes

Van Dorsselaer, A, Andriantomanga, V, Barth, P, Biellmann, JF, Kieffer, S, Reymann, JM, Potier, N, Klarskov, K, Jaquinod, M, Sorokine, O

Eur. J. Biochem. 1993
14401390 [Aldose reductase]

Hers, HG

Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1960
1420136 Aldose reductase: model for a new paradigm of enzymic perfection in detoxification catalysts

Grimshaw, CE

Biochemistry 1992
18220710 Aldose reductase, still a compelling target for diabetic neuropathy

Oates, PJ

Curr Drug Targets 2008
2112546 Cloning and expression of human aldose reductase

Morjana, N, Carper, D, Flynn, TG, Kokai, Y, Lyons, C, Nishimura, C, Matsuura, Y, Akera, T

J. Biol. Chem. 1990
15272156 The crystallographic structure of the aldose reductase-IDD552 complex shows direct proton donation from tyrosine 48

Ruiz, F, Joachimiak, A, Hazemann, I, Podjarny, A, Karplus, M, Mitschler, A, Schneider, T

Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 2004
Catalyst Activity

aldose reductase (NADPH) activity of AKR1B1 [cytosol]

Orthologous Events
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