IGF2BP1:RNA [cytosol]

Stable Identifier
Homo sapiens
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
19029303 Control of c-myc mRNA stability by IGF2BP1-associated cytoplasmic RNPs

Weidensdorfer, D, Schierhorn, A, Lederer, M, Hüttelmaier, S, Köhn, M, Baude, A, Stöhr, N, Wahle, E, Buchmeier, S

RNA 2009
12894594 CRD-BP: a c-Myc mRNA stabilizing protein with an oncofetal pattern of expression

Mahaira, L, Teixeira, MR, Trangas, T, Papadopoulou, A, Dafni, U, Ioannidis, P, Pandis, N, Evangelou, E, Heim, S, Andersen, JA

Anticancer Res 2003
11713986 A family of IGF-II mRNA binding proteins (IMP) involved in RNA trafficking

Nielsen, J, Christiansen, J, Nielsen, FC

Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl 2001
15601260 VICKZ proteins: a multi-talented family of regulatory RNA-binding proteins

Yisraeli, JK

Biol Cell 2005
16778892 CRD-BP mediates stabilization of betaTrCP1 and c-myc mRNA in response to beta-catenin signalling

Liu, J, Bhatia, N, Fuchs, SY, Elcheva, I, Spiegelman, VS, Minamoto, T, Noubissi, FK, Ougolkov, A, Shakoori, A, Ross, J

Nature 2006
17652133 VICKZ proteins mediate cell migration via their RNA binding activity

Rubinstein, AM, Maizels, Y, Oberman, F, Rand, K, Yisraeli, JK

RNA 2007
16306994 Spatial regulation of beta-actin translation by Src-dependent phosphorylation of ZBP1

Singer, RH, Meng, X, Zenklusen, D, Bassell, GJ, Lederer, M, Hüttelmaier, S, Condeelis, J, Lorenz, M, Dictenberg, J

Nature 2005
16541107 RNA-binding IMPs promote cell adhesion and invadopodia formation

Wewer, UM, Hansen, TV, Christiansen, J, Borup, R, Jønson, L, Vikesaa, J, Nielsen, FC

EMBO J 2006
12024010 Regulation of c-myc mRNA decay by translational pausing in a coding region instability determinant

Lemm, I, Ross, J

Mol Cell Biol 2002
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