SLC25A1 transports di-/tri-peptides and peptide-like drugs

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
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SLC15A1 imports di-, tri-peptides and some peptide-like substances across the apical membrane of intestinal (duodenum, jejunum and ileum), kidney and bile duct epithelial cells, as well as into lysosomes. As a proton is cotransported, the process depends on membrane potential. SLC15A1 is a member of the proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter family (SLC15) (Liang R et al, 1995; Saito H et al, 1997; Knutter et al., 2008; reviewed in Daniel & Kottra, 2004; Smith et al., 2013). For a general discussion of diffusion of lipophilic drugs through the apical membrane's phospholipid bilayer see Kell & Oliver, 2014.
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
7896779 Human intestinal H+/peptide cotransporter. Cloning, functional expression, and chromosomal localization

Han, H, Leibach, FH, Ganapathy, V, Yang-Feng, TL, Hediger, MA, Liang, R, Ramamoorthy, S, Prasad, PD, Fei, YJ

J Biol Chem 1995
9299407 Cloning and characterization of a pH-sensing regulatory factor that modulates transport activity of the human H+/peptide cotransporter, PEPT1

Mukai, M, Saito, H, Motohashi, H, Inui, K

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997
12905028 The proton oligopeptide cotransporter family SLC15 in physiology and pharmacology

Daniel, H, Kottra, G

Pflugers Arch 2004
23506874 Proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter family SLC15: physiological, pharmacological and pathological implications

Smith, DE, Hediger, MA, Clémençon, B

Mol Aspects Med 2013
25400580 How drugs get into cells: tested and testable predictions to help discriminate between transporter-mediated uptake and lipoidal bilayer diffusion

Kell, DB, Oliver, SG

Front Pharmacol 2014
18713951 Transport of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors by H+/peptide transporters revisited

Kottra, G, Daniel, H, Zebisch, K, Hahn, MG, Fischer, W, Neubert, RH, Brandsch, M, Wollesky, C, Knütter, I

J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2008
Catalyst Activity

peptide:proton symporter activity of SLC15A1 [plasma membrane]

Orthologous Events
Cross References
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