Autophosphorylation of BTK/ITK

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
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After initial phosphorylation by SFK's, subsequently Y223 (Y180 in ITK and Y206 in TEC) in the SH3 domain of BTK is autophosphorylated, which may prevent inhibitory intramolecular interactions (Nore et al. 2003, Joseph et al. 2007, Park et al. 1996)
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
12573241 Identification of phosphorylation sites within the SH3 domains of Tec family tyrosine kinases

Bäckesjö, CM, Nore, BF, Smith, CI, Mattsson, PT, Hansson, H, Westlund, A, Antonsson, P, Rönnstrand, L, Lennartsson, J, Löw, P

Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2003
7518558 Tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Bruton tyrosine kinase upon Fc epsilon RI cross-linking

Miura, T, Tsukada, S, Kawakami, T, Witte, ON, Yao, L, Kawakami, Y

Mol. Cell. Biol. 1994
8629002 Activation of BTK by a phosphorylation mechanism initiated by SRC family kinases

Park, H, Witte, ON, Kato, RM, Lin, S, Kinet, JP, Fluckiger, AC, Scharenberg, AM, Wahl, MI, Rawlings, DJ

Science 1996
8630736 Regulation of Btk function by a major autophosphorylation site within the SH3 domain

Park, H, Turck, CW, Witte, ON, Kinet, JP, Scharenberg, AM, Tam, C, Wahl, MI, Rawlings, DJ, Afar, DE

Immunity 1996
Catalyst Activity

protein tyrosine kinase activity of p-5Y-LAT:p-SHC1:GRB2:SOS1:GADS:p-Y113,Y128,Y145-SLP-76:PLCG1:VAV:p-TEC kinases:PIP3 [plasma membrane]

Orthologous Events
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