Viral mRNA Translation

Stable Identifier
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Influenza A virus
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Spliced and unspliced viral mRNA in the cytoplasm are translated by host cell ribosomal translation machinery (reviewed in Kash, 2006). At least ten viral proteins are synthesized: HA, NA, PB1, PB2, PA, NP, NS1, NEP/NS2, M1, and M2. Viral mRNA translation is believed to be enhanced by conserved 5'UTR sequences that interact with the ribosomal machinery and at least one cellular RNA-binding protein, G-rich sequence factor 1 (GRSF-1), has been found to specifically interact with the viral 5' UTRs. (Park, 1995; Park, 1999). The viral NS1 protein and the cellular protein P58(IPK) enhance viral translation indirectly by preventing the activation of the translational inhibitor PKR (Salvatore, 2002; Goodman, 2006). The viral NS1 protein has also been proposed to specifically enhance translation through interaction with host poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PABP1) (Burgui, 2003). Simultaneously, host cell protein synthesis is downregulated in influenza virus infection through still uncharacterized mechanisms (Katze, 1986; Garfinkel, 1992; Kash, 2006). In most human influenza A strains (such as PR8), the PB1 mRNA segment is capable of producing a second protein, PB1-F2, from a short +1 open reading frame initiating downstream of the PB1 ORF initiation codon (Chen, 2001).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
16630668 Hijacking of the host-cell response and translational control during influenza virus infection

Korth, MJ, Katze, MG, Kash, JC, Goodman, AG

Virus Res 2006
Name Identifier Synonyms
influenza DOID:8469 Influenza with other manifestations (disorder), Influenza with other manifestations NOS (disorder), flu, Influenza with other manifestations, Influenza with non-respiratory manifestation (disorder), influenza with non-respiratory manifestation
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