Opioid dissociates from MOR

Stable Identifier
Reaction [dissociation]
Homo sapiens
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Different ligands of the MOR receptor can promote MOR phosphorylation, uncoupling, endocytosis or inactivation. For example, the endogenous peptide ligands at the MOR induce rapid desensitization, endocytosis and rapid receptor recycling. By contrast, morphine induces little to no endocytosis, tolerance and dependence. The agonist-dependent phosphorylation of opioid receptors changes the receptor conformation and increases the affinity of the receptors for cytosolic beta-arrestin proteins. This results in an uncoupling of G protein signalling and recruitment of the endocytotic machinery leading to receptor internalization and rapid resensitization. By contrast, PKC phosphorylation by non internalizing opioid ligands (e.g., morphine) cause receptors to remain inactivated in the plasma membrane, leading to signaling desensitization and opioid tolerance. In this case receptors appear to require activity of a phosphatase to be resensitized.
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
15272312 Morphine induces terminal micro-opioid receptor desensitization by sustained phosphorylation of serine-375

Höllt, V, Mayer, D, Koch, T, Pfeiffer, M, Schulz, S, Stumm, R

EMBO J 2004
16682505 Agonist-selective mechanisms of mu-opioid receptor desensitization in human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Mundell, SJ, Oldfield, S, Hall, KJ, Braksator, E, Kelly, E, Henderson, G, Gonzalez-Cuello, A, Bailey, CP, Johnson, EA, Couch, D

Mol Pharmacol 2006
Orthologous Events
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