SPRY2 translocates to the plasma membrane

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Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
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SPRY2 translocates to the plasma membrane upon activation of cells with FGF, and translocation is required for the inhibition of growth factor-stimulated cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Translocation may be mediated by interactions with PIP2 in the membrane, palmitoylation of the C-terminal region of SPRY2 and/or interactions with caveolin-1.
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
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Lao, DH, Yusoff, P, Fong, CW, Chandramouli, S, Wong, ES, Lim, J, Guy, GR

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11238463 Mammalian sprouty-1 and -2 are membrane-anchored phosphoprotein inhibitors of growth factor signaling in endothelial cells

Gannon, G, Impagnatiello, MA, Cotten, M, Christofori, G, Compagni, A, Weitzer, S

J Cell Biol 2001
10887178 Sprouty proteins are targeted to membrane ruffles upon growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase activation. Identification of a novel translocation domain

Yusoff, P, Low, BC, Ong, SH, Wong, ES, Lim, J, Guy, GR

J Biol Chem 2000
11279012 The C terminus of sprouty is important for modulation of cellular migration and proliferation

Scholich, K, Pierre, S, Yigzaw, Y, Patel, TB, Cartin, L

J Biol Chem 2001
Orthologous Events
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