Cytosolic VHL:EloB,C:CUL2:RBX1 binds hydroxyprolyl-HIF-alpha

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Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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VHL within the VHL:ElonginB:ElonginC:CUL2:RBX1 Complex binds HIF-alpha subunits that have hydroxylated proline residues (Cockman et al. 2000, Ohh et al. 2000, Tanimoto et al. 2000, Jaakkola et al. 2001, Ivan et al. 2001, Yu et al. 2001). VHL constitutively shuttles between the cytosol and nucleoplasm (Lewis and Roberts 2003) and though the VHL:HIF-alpha complex is predominantly nuclear, binding and degradation can occur in both the cytosol and the nucleus (Berra et al. 2001).
Literature References
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Nat. Cell Biol. 2012
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