encorafenib [cytosol]

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Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
26586345 Encorafenib (LGX818), a potent BRAF inhibitor, induces senescence accompanied by autophagy in BRAFV600E melanoma cells

Gong, P, Liu, J, Zhao, Y, Zhu, X, Song, Z, Bi, X, Meng, S, Song, F, Piao, Y, Lin, G, Cheng, W, Jiang, K, Li, Z

Cancer Lett. 2016
28611198 Phase I Dose-Escalation and -Expansion Study of the BRAF Inhibitor Encorafenib (LGX818) in Metastatic BRAF-Mutant Melanoma

Moutouh-de Parseval, L, Stuart, DD, Demuth, T, Sullivan, R, Carlino, MS, Kefford, RF, Gomez-Roca, C, McArthur, GA, Delord, JP, Yamada, Y, Kudchakar, R, Michel, D, Mahipal, A, Robert, C, Caponigro, G, Aslanis, V, Dummer, R, Seroutou, A, Arance, A, Nyakas, M, Hidalgo, M

Clin. Cancer Res. 2017
External Reference Information
Name Identifier Synonyms
melanoma DOID:1909 Naevocarcinoma, melanoma, melanoma, malignant melanoma, morphology (morphologic abnormality), malignant melanoma NOS (morphologic abnormality), malignant melanoma (disorder), malignant melanoma, malignant melanoma, malignant melanoma, malignant melanoma
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