R HSA 388841

 Regulation of T cell activation by CD28 family

New and Updated Topics and Pathways. Topics with new or revised pathways in this release include Cellular responses to stimuli (Mechanical load activates signaling by PIEZO1 and integrins in osteocytes),   Developmental Biology (Developmental Lineage of Pancreatic Acinar Cells and MITF-M-regulation melanocyte development), DNA Replication (Strand-asynchronous mitochondrial DNA replication), Extracellular matrix organization (Formation of the dystroglycan-associated glycoprotein complex (DGC)), Immune system (Co-inhibition by BTLA, Co-inhibition by PD-1, Co-stimulation by ICOS, Modulation of host responses by IFN-stimulated genes, and Regulation of T cell activation by CD28), and Signal transduction (Expression of NOTCH2NL genes and NOTCH2 activation and transmission of signal to the nucleus).

New and Updated Illustrations.  New or revised Illustrations with embedded navigation features have been created for  Cellular responses to mechanical stimulus, Regulation of T cell activation by CD28 familyDevelopmental Cell Lineages, DNA Replication, Interferon Signaling, and MITF-M-regulation melanocyte development.

Thanks to our Contributors.  Phani V. Garapati and Hina F. Bhat are our external authors and  Mary C. Farach-Carson, Michael HeideNancy T. LiRobert Phair, Eirikur Steingrimmsson, Hong Nhung Vu, Danielle Wu, and Chyuan-Chuan Wu are our external reviewers.

Annotation Statistics. Reactome comprises 15,591 human reactions organized into 2,751 pathways involving 31,055  proteins and modified forms of proteins encoded by 11,323 different human genes, 15,383 complexes, 2,125 small molecules, and 1,057 drugs. These annotations are supported by 39,806 literature references. We have projected these reactions onto 80,032 orthologous proteins, creating 19,845 orthologous pathways in 14 non-human species. Version 91 has annotations for 4,943 protein variants (mutated proteins) and their post-translationally modified forms, derived from 391 proteins, which have contributed to the annotation of 1,808 disease-specific reactions and 746 pathways. 

Tools and Data. Our services and software tools are designed for biologists, bioinformaticians, and software developers. Pathway data is available to view in our Pathway Browser, to analyze your own dataset, to download, and access programmatically through our Content and Analysis Services. The ReactomeFIViz app and ReactomeGSA package provide tools for multi-omics data analysis. The idg.reactome.org Web Portal provides a collection of web-based tools to help researchers place understudied proteins in a pathway context. 

Documentation and Training. Visit our online User Guide to access documentation supporting pathway analysis of experimental data. The Developer's Zone provides detailed documentation regarding our software, tools, and web services. Training and learning materials can be found here.

About the Reactome Project. Reactome is a collaboration between groups at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Oregon Health and Science University, New York University Langone Medical Center, and The EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute. Reactome is both an ELIXIR Core Data Resource and a Global Core Biodata Resource. Reactome annotation files and interaction data derived from Reactome are distributed under a Creative Commons Public Domain (CC0 1.0 Universal) Licence. A Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License applies to all software and code, database data dumps, and Pathway Illustrations (Enhanced High-Level Diagrams), Icon Library, Art, and Branding Materials. A full description of the new and updated content is available on the Reactome website.

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