Mahtab Moayeri

Reviewed Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210891 Uptake and function of anthrax toxins BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/19)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210959 Endocytosis of cya:lef:(pagA(197-794):ANTXR2 oligomer) (plasma membrane to endosome membrane) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210892 cya and lef bind to pagA(197-794):ANTXR2 oligomer BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210932 ANTXR2-bound pagA(197-794) forms oligomers BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210912 Furin cleaves ANTXR2-bound pagA to yield pagA(197-794) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210918 pagA binds ANTXR2 BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5211405 Anthrax lef cleaves target cell MAP2K6 (MEK6) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210943 pagA(197-794):ANTRX2 oligomer transports cya and lef (target cell endosome to cytosol) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210947 pagA(197-794):ANTRX1 oligomer transports cya and lef (target cell endosome to cytosol) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210944 Endocytosis of cya:lef:(pagA(197-794):ANTXR1 oligomer) (plasma membrane to endosome membrane) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210923 cya and lef bind to pagA(197-794):ANTXR1 oligomer BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210909 ANTXR1-bound pagA(197-794) forms oligomers BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210935 Furin cleaves ANTXR1-bound pagA to yield pagA(197-794) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5210921 pagA binds ANTXR1 BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5211340 Anthrax lef cleaves target cell MAP2K1 (MEK1) BibTex
2014-05-28 R-HSA-5211400 Anthrax lef cleaves target cell MAP2K3 (MEK3) BibTex
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