Cheng Peng

Reviewed Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181150 Signaling by NODAL BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/18)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181149 ACVR2A,B (ActRIIA,B) phosphorylates ACVR1B (ActRIB, ALK4) in response to Activin BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181355 Phosphorylation of R-SMAD2/3 by NODAL receptor BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1225894 Type II Activin Receptor (ActRIIB/ACVR2B) phosphorylates Type I Activin Receptor (ActRIC/ACVR1C) in response to NODAL BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181155 The NODAL Receptor binds NODAL ligands BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181152 Cleavage of NODAL proprotein BibTex
2011-08-25 R-MMU-1181148 Cleavage of Nodal proprotein BibTex
2011-08-25 R-MMU-1225898 The Nodal Receptor binds Nodal ligands BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181156 Type II Activin Receptor (ActRII/ACVR2) phosphorylates Type I Activin Receptor (ActRIB/ACVR1B) in response to NODAL BibTex
2011-08-25 R-NUL-1181349 Phosphorylation of Smad2 by Nodal Receptor BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181351 LEFTY binds the EGF-CFC coreceptor in the NODAL receptor BibTex
2011-08-25 R-MMU-1181357 Lefty binds EGF-CFC coreceptor BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181354 CERBERUS binds NODAL BibTex
2011-08-25 R-XLA-1181356 Cerberus binds Nodal BibTex
2011-08-25 R-HSA-1181352 LEFTY binds NODAL BibTex
2011-08-25 R-MMU-1181347 Lefty binds Nodal BibTex
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